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Crazy Stories

Family Bonding

by: Kingpin
So a friend of a friend of mine, "Fred," went to visit his cousin in California over Spring Break. He ended up convincing his parents and uncle to let him out on the town late at night with his cousin, "Tim," but little did the parents know the cousin was exercising his rights under the Compassionate Use Act (basically, he was growing a Northern Lights strain of bud for....personal use). So "Fred" and "Tim" drive out on the town with a bag full of Northern Lights and cigarette paper. Apparently, the cigarette paper was crappy, because when they tried to roll a joint it wouldn't stay lit. "Tim" told "Fred" that he had a couple of friends nearby who had a bubbler they could use (for those of you who do not know, a bubbler is a smoking apparatus that is shaped like a pipe with a small chamber for water to filter pot smoke in order for a stronger, cleaner hit).  So, "Fred" and "Tim" walk into the two friends' house and the friends, who were already very drunk, bring out the bubbler. They all smoke, and rather quickly finish off almost an eighth of an ounce of the potent bud.  Suddenly, realizing how late it was, "Fred" and "Tim" decide to get up and head for the door. They stopped in the kitchen with the two friends, who ask them if they want something to snack on. Suddenly, the friend closest to the counter loses his footing and WHAM, hits his temple on the tile counter. His limp body hits the ground, and he stays down about a minute, until his friend helps him up. Meanwhile, "Tim" is freaking out because he says he can't see. "Fred" grabbed "Tim" to calm him down, and he notices that the guy who fell has a bloody mouth and a chipped tooth. Suddenly, the same guy falls again and WHAM, hits his temple on the counter again, and this time he doesn't get up. In fact, he doesn't even move. "Fred" knew he was too fried to drive, but he also knew he didn't want to be there if the guy who fell had to go to the hospital or, worse, died. "Fred" grabbed "Tim" and dragged him to the car, where they laid back rode out the rest of the high in peace. Once they were finally able to drive, "Fred" drove them to In-and-Out Burger. After that night they never found out what  happened to the guy who hit his temple twice on the counter. Can't make something like that up.

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