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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Open Source Saturday!

Do you want your voice to be heard? This Saturday, 5/29/2010, we are accepting submissions on the topics of sports, technology, jokes, crazy stories, women, movies, or anything else of interest to men. We will choose a winner by the end of the day Sunday, 5/30/2010, and post it on the blog. Please send in submissions with the name you want displayed, the title of the post, and the post itself to either or Good luck and get to writing!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Feminism: The Rise of the Subservient Male, not the Stronger Woman

I see facile, domesticated, “tamed” herb-beta males everywhere. They generally populate the trendier parts of Brooklyn and scattered across big U.S. cities. Definition of "herb" via "Someone who gets no respect from his peers, is usually laughed at and is bullied. A person that cannot stand up for himself therefore falls prey to ridicule, abuse and mockery by others." Apart from larger city dwells, herbs can be seen at parks, malls, around campus; and they seem completely oblivious or indifferent to what they are doing to mankind. What is wrong with this picture posted above? Take a look and try to analyze what kind of body language a sight like that gives off to other women in the park. Putting your head in a woman’s lap and looking adoringly into her eyes may be fine for the masturbatory romance novels, but in the real world this makes you appear subservient. Another woman sees you doing this and instantly thinks you can be controlled, manipulated, and fit for a leash. That should be her head in your lap and she should be performing fellatio (only kidding, of course). It looks as if the man herb needs to be coaxed and cooed like a newborn baby. Do not let this happen to you, gentlemen. Is it possible after this photo was taken, the herb started licking his lady’s boots? So, the girl says she wants a guy to be sensitive. Girls get off on the idea of being with a guy that has options in the dating market. She subconsciously yearns for alpha seed through her natural female instincts to procreate with the best suitable mate. As much as we kid ourselves, we are still just primates, and thus animals. A dominant Silverback can be found beating his chest, intimidating other male competitors, and protecting his female. Can you see a kid wearing girlpants and heels (pic above) ever protecting his woman from a rogue striker?
If you are a nonbeliever and think I am being too hard on these guys then feast your eyes on this poor bastard.

The sad thing about this picture is that this practice is commonplace amongst Asian couples. Make the poor guy a human coat hanger while you’re at it lady. Notice the article name on the blog is entitled, “Chivalry Not Dead In Shanghai,” for the uppity feminist snob.

This is not about the pictures, because they only allude to a bigger problem at hand. Our pitiful “generation” (post- Y generation) is the remnants of a group of people raised during the post feminist revolution era; leading to increases in single parent homes (divorce rate increase), increases in birth defects (late children baring), and an overall redistribution of wealth from working men to unhappy, unemployed wives (disproportionate alimony distributions). Yes, the couple raised a family together, but to turn over half of all assets when none of the income is earned at all by the other spouse? Surely this is robbery and devastating to the husband. Trying to get back on your feet after having to re-plan your entire retirement because of an alimony suit seems like injustice.
Achievement in schools and difficulty in curriculum continues to drop, and willing teachers are being let go for trying to do their jobs. Parents of bastardized children refuse to believe that they are the reason for their child’s underperformance. This is a result of parenting and should not be seen as a teacher’s issue or ability to teach. These parents, their children, and their family structure are in dire straights. The decline of the traditional family and these values, which I attribute to a steady rise in feminism, continue to plague this and future generations. The workforce has now been doubled, and salaries everywhere will see the inevitable decline in salary and increases in unemployment for men that want to provide for their families.
I wonder if we could still win World War Two with the amount of submissive, sniveling, beta males seemingly on the rise in this country. My Grandfather joined the War in the early 1940’s by lying about his age (he was 17) because he felt he had a duty to defend his country. Now, it’s arguable if this country is still worth defending; given the liberal, fiscally irresponsible increase in far lefty activism, but I digress. Seriously, do you think the average 18 year old man could go fight a war if he so wanted to? That sounds funny to us, right? One might think of the modern 18 year old male as growing up in a in a different world from then. Does the government draft the kid wearing girl jeans, putting on eye shadow, piercing his sack? Or can we choose from the obese, videogame obsessed, chubby cheeks McGee? Where has our society really gone to, a dark place? Those black and white pictures of our grandparents (no older than late teenagers) waiting to fight for this country, join the work force, and start a family, are slowly fading away to dull paper. Don’t let this happen to you. Strive to be this guy:

Masculinity: We've Lost Our Way

Post by: Kingpin

It became clear to me that I needed to write a mission statement for our blog and our eventual website. What is it we seek to do with our variety of articles? Why do we educate entrepreneurs, discuss sports, provide advice about women, rate beers, clothes, and technology, and tell entertaining jokes and stories? The truth is, we seek to re-masculate men who have been emasculated, and provide an outlet for men whose masculinity has not fallen victim to modern society.  Luckily for we men, masculinity has not completely disappeared from modern society (UFC, entrepreneurs, military men, athletes), but it’s easy to forget sometimes when you see these whiny emo kids with multiple piercings, long hair, whining about how women are out of their league, or these pushover guys who are their girlfriend's or wife's pet.  Let’s take a look at masculinity as it has changed over time. I know I can’t hit every detail, or every period of history, but I’ll hit the most significant ones.
Greek history is full of tales of masculinity—the pride of the Spartans facing impossible odds at Thermopylae, the Athenian defeat of the Persians at Marathon, and the creation of the Olympic Games, among others. However, the story that inspires me time and time again about a man’s drive to accomplish amazing things is the story of Alexander the Great.  Alexander embodied the qualities I believe every great man should have. He inspired confidence in his men to follow him into hell itself, he had honor, he exposed himself to the same dangers as his men, sometimes more danger, he never gave up on his goal, he pushed himself to his limits, and he sought to unite people for a greater good.  Upon taking the throne, he set off with his army to fight the Persians, who had the largest empire in the known world.  After conquering Babylon, capital of the Persian Empire, he continued eastward, his goal being the eastern ocean. He encouraged his men to marry Persian women and raise the children as Greeks in an effort to unite the two peoples. He cheated death when his forces refused to attack a fortress in India, so he assaulted the walls by himself, fighting off numerous men before taking a spear to the chest.  He survived the wound, and then renewed his men’s confidence by hopping on his horse as if nothing had happened and leading his men back to Babylon at their request. He had said that his only defeat came at the hands of his own men, when they refused to fight after many years of war. Unfortunately, he was known for his love of wine and eventually drank himself to death at a party in Babylon. I would not recommend making the same mistake.
Regarding masculinity in medieval times, we look at the stories of Beowulf and King Arthur. We can tell much about a society’s view of masculinity by the stories they tell. Beowulf was an embodiment of masculinity. He always bragged about his feats, but when challenged in sport or battle, he backed up his words with action. He would emerge from a contest victorious, with no lingering questions about who was in charge. He fought dangerous beasts to save other peoples, and was fearless and confident in his actions. King Arthur embodied similar characteristics, but his story also encompassed chivalry, the natural desire of men to protect women, the “fairer” sex.
As far as masculinity in society goes, the nuclear family after World War II is an excellent example. The man, devoted to his family, was the breadwinner, while his wife would run the house and raise the children. This traditional model indicates why men feel emasculated when they cannot provide for their families. I am not saying women do not belong in the workplace, in fact I am impressed by independent women. I am simply discouraging men from being deadbeat househusbands while their wives earn all the money. It is a disgusting role reversal.
What is the common denominator in all these past examples of masculinity? Duty, honor, a lack of selfishness, confidence, reliability, competitiveness, persistence, and, ultimately, success.  That’s what being a real man is about. Now, I’m not saying that in order to be masculine you must join the military, become a UFC fighter, or be a violent person at all. The essence of masculinity is a commitment to excellence. This includes sports and competition, providing for and defending your family, accomplishing great things, not behaving selfishly (true alpha males are not selfish, even when they help  themselves, because they are naturally inclined to do what is best for the species), and earning what you have, not taking it from someone else.
Modern society seeks to suppress your masculinity. Politics aside, here are the facts. Progressives constantly push for tighter gun laws, limiting your ability to own a firearm and defend yourself and your family.  In divorce cases, men get screwed over. Whether the man is responsible for the end of the marriage or not, he generally must give half of what he has earned (if he is the bread winner, of course) to his ex-wife, as well as sizeable alimony checks. Easily corruptible hate crime laws force men to hesitate to defend themselves in the instance of an attack. If a man is attacked by a man of another ethnicity or religion, should he have to worry about being tried for a hate crime if he successfully defends himself? To be fair, religious conservative laws also seek to emasculate men. In some states, premarital sex is illegal. Just think, through these laws society attempts to repress the most natural desire of humans in general, let alone men. Also, sexual assault cases are easily corruptible. In some areas, all that is needed for a conviction in sex offense cases is testimony from the alleged victim. Now, by NO MEANS am I defending true sex offenders. Rape (extreme statutory and aggravated) and sexual assault are horrible crimes, and those who are truly guilty of it are despicable human beings. However, all it takes is one jealous, irrational girl to point the finger at an innocent guy, and suddenly the man is thrown in jail. The same goes for domestic violence cases. But what does this mean for society? It means that the balance of power in relationships has shifted to the women, as she can have you arrested with one phone call if she likes. When you give women that kind of power in the relationship, they can emasculate you all they want, because one wrong move and suddenly you’re in cuffs for something you did not do.
 Here on our blog and on our website, we do not seek to correct these societal problems, because we cannot. That is the job of your congressman or woman. However, through our posts and forums, we seek to provide men with an outlet for their masculinity and help them harness their own commitment to excellence. If you follow our blog and eventual site and provide constructive feedback, you can help us build something we can be proud of.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Beer is Proof That God Loves Us and Wants Us to Be Happy" - Benjamin Franklin

Post by: Kingpin

There's nothing I love more after a long day than an ice cold beer. While the mainstream world of Budweiser, Coors, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and Miller dominates the market, there is a whole variety of microbrews out there to suit different tastes. I would like to share my favorites with you, and I have divided them up by type of beer. I have also included an epic fail section for beers that don't make the mark. I will keep updating this post each time I try a new beer that makes or breaks.

Amber Ale
Leinenhugel's Classic Amber: 
★ ★ ★ ★
Black Lager
Samuel Adams Black Lager: A thick, dark beer with a very slight chocolate/malt taste. One of my favorite Samuel Adams beers.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Yuengling Black and Tan: When it comes to cheap beer, you cannot go wrong with Yuengling Black and Tan. It offers a delicious flavor, but it will not hit your wallet quite as hard as the other beers on this list. If I need to conserve a few extra dollars, I will usually buy Yuengling Black and Tan.
★ ★ ★ ★
Imperial Stout
Sweetwater Happy Ending: I did not know love until I tried Sweetwater Happy Ending. Aside from the 9% alcohol by volume, it is a bold, full figured, dry, tasty imperial stout that all men worth their salt should try.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout (Import): 
★ ★ ★  1/2

India Pale Ale
Dogfish 60 Minute IPA: My favorite IPA, it has an aggressive, hoppy taste.
★ ★ ★ ★★ 
Dogfish 90 Minute IPA: Aggressive, hoppy taste, even more-so than the 60 minute. Not for wimps. The only downside is that it only comes in a 4 pack.
★ ★ ★ ★★ 

Sweetwater IPA: A great alternative to Dogfish if you love IPA but do not want to dish out the extra couple of bucks.
★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2 

Pale Ale
Flying Dog Pale Ale: A very tasty pale ale. Try it.
★ ★ ★ ★★ 

Magic Hat Almost Pale Ale: A delicious pale ale with blueberry flavor.
★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2 

Sweetwater 420: Very hoppy for a pale ale, and one of my favorites.
★ ★ ★ ★  
Samuel Adams Noble Pils: Sam Adams Noble Pils has a bright, lively flavor with a very, very slight citrus taste, which, along with the taste provided by the five Noble hops, makes for a delicious brew. 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Pilsner Urquell (Import): 
★ ★ ★ 1/2

Arrogant Bastard Ale: Brewed by the Stone Brewing Company in San Diego County, CA, this is one of my favorite strong-flavored beers. It has a very aggressive, hoppy taste, so wimps need not apply.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Sweetwater Blue: If you like fruity tasting beers, I'll cut you some slack on this one. Drink it, and you'll taste blueberries. And beer. Beerberry. Good stuff.
★ ★ ★ ★
Samuel Adams Octoberfest:  The best way to describe this beer is tasty. It's not too strong for wimps, not too light for strong beer lovers. 
★ ★ ★ ★  1/2

Leinenhugel's Fireside Nut Brown Ale:
★ ★ ★ ★

Warsteiner Premium Dunkel (Import):
★ ★ ★ ★

Newcastle Brown Ale: 
★ ★ ★ ★ 1/2 

Negro Modelo:
★ ★ ★  1/2

Sierra Nevada Glissade:
★ ★ ★ ★

Sweetwater Georgia Brown:
★ ★ ★ 3/4

Samuel Adams Coastal Wheat: The most unique-tasting beer I've ever tasted. It is light with a hint of lemon. A good thirst quencher.
★ ★ ★ ★

Duvel (Import): 
★ ★ ★ ★ ★   

Kirin Ichiban Special Premium Reserve: Let's not let the Japanese out-beer us, too. A great tasting beer. Not too strong, not too light, but lighter than Samuel Adams Octoberfest.
★ ★ ★ ★  
Epic Fails 
Hoegaarden Witbier-Biere Blanche (Import):  Fruity names for fruity beers applies to this import. It is a very light beer with a very slight, sweet, fruity taste.  
★ ★

Abita Pecan Ale, Abita Purple Haze, Most other Abita Brews: My biggest problem with Abita is that their beers taste watered down. Their varieties are good ideas, but the taste just isn't there. However, their Jockamo IPA is pretty good.
★ ★

McSorley's Irish Black Lager:  Thick and dark, but not near as good as Samuel Adams Black Lager.
★ ★ 1/2

Friday, May 14, 2010

Halo: Reach: The Verdict

Top 10 Kills
Excellent Survival Tips

Post by: Kingpin

Halo: Reach, a prequel to the original Halo, is finally out for multiplayer beta testing. All you need is a designated copy of Halo 3: ODST, an Xbox Live Gold account, and, of course, an Xbox 360 console. As someone who has played multiplayer on the original Halo Trilogy, I just have to's awesome. Let me give you a quick overview--you can find more detailed gameplay information on  

Halo Reach has brought back the feel of the original Halo, but has added many new features that take gameplay to new heights. The levels do not seem as otherworldly as in Halo, since the game takes place on the Earth-like Reach, but the gameplay, including health bars, shields, and the lack of dual wielding, is very reminiscent of the original.

Armor: There are four armor types in the beta version, each with its own special abilities:
  • Scout:  Your Spartan temporarily tuck away your weapon for a burst of speed
  • Guard: Your Spartan stops and punches the ground, increasing the power of his shields. While in this pose, he is invulnerable, and if he holds the pose long enough, he will unleash an EMP when he leaves the pose or when he is meleed.
  • Stalker: This is temporary semi-invisibility, or, as Halo players know it, active camo. Whenever you turn invisible, your motion tracker, as well as that of those around you, becomes filled with false enemy contacts.
  • Airborne: This armor has a jetpack that can help boost your jumps for short periods of time.
*Note: In Elites vs. Spartans Slayer, Elites have a duck and roll maneuver.

Weapons: In Halo: Reach, there is no dual wielding, so many weapons have been cut out in the  beta version.
  • M6G Magnum: It seems like Bungie has finally gotten the magnum right. It has its scope again, and its stopping power is equal to that of the DMR. To dispatch an opponent with full shields, it takes four shots plus a headshot. It has an 8 round clip and an above average rate of fire.
  • DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle): The DMR replaces the human Battle Rifle from Halo 2 and 3. Instead of 3 shot bursts, the DMR is a single shot semi-automatic rifle with 12 round clips. It has the same stopping power as the pistol, but is far more accurate. It has a rate of fire similar to the Battle Rifles from Halos 2 and 3.
  • MA-5 Assault Rifle: The MA-5 Assault Rifle is similar to the MA-5B Assault Rifle from Halo in accuracy, power, and rate of fire. It has fully automatic fire, and the longer you hold the trigger down, the less accurate the gun is. It has a 32 round clip.
  • Shotgun: I love what they've done with the shotgun in Halo: Reach. In Halo, it had a slightly longer range with moderate to high power. In Halo 2 and 3, Bungie decreased the range significantly and increased the stopping power. Now, the shotgun has a perfect balance of power and range. It holds 6 shells at a time.
  • SRS99 Sniper Rifle: The sniper rifle has the same power, kick, and rate of fire as in Halo 3. One head shot kills, two body shots kill. There are 4 rounds per clip.
  • Rocket Launcher: The rocket launcher is pretty much the same it was in Halo and Halo guided projectiles, high explosive, 2 rounds to a magazine. The rockets do move slightly slower than they did in the previous games.
  • Plasma Pistol: The plasma pistol can kill now. It is back to the way it was in the original Halo. It has both semi-automatic and charged shot firing capabilities. The charged shot takes down a shield and, well, you know what to do then.
  • Needle Rifle: The Needle Rifle is replacing the Carbine from Halo 2 and 3. It fires the same type of rounds as the needler. If you put enough rounds into an unshielded opponent, they will explode as if you had unloaded a needler into them. However, the Needle Rifle has similar stopping power to the humans' DMR (i.e., a head shot on an unshielded opponent kills instantly. It's not like in Halo 3 when people would be walking around with a needle through their head perfectly fine.)
  • Needler: The Needler is just as dangerous and effective in Reach as it was in Halo 3. Do not underestimate its power going against it, do not overestimate its effectiveness while engaging multiple targets.
  • Plasma Repeater Rifle: The plasma rifle has a higher rate of fire than it did in previous games, and has moderate stopping power. It is good at taking down shields, then finishing with a melee.
  • Energy Sword: The Energy Sword hasn't changed much from Halo 3. It has limited ammunition, a lunge attack, and a melee attack.
  • Gravity Hammer: The Gravity Hammer has not changed from Halo 3, either. For those who don't know, when you swing the hammer a direct hit is an instant kill, and anyone close enough to the kinetic pulse takes damage.
  • Focus (Beam) Rifle: The Focus Rifle has undergone some huge changes. No longer is it the Covenant answer to the human sniper rifle. It is now a cross between Halo 2 and 3's beam rifle and the sentinal beam. It can fire a continuous beam, but has the same zoom capabilities as the sniper rifle. It takes about 3 seconds of continuous fire to take down a fully shielded opponent.
  • Plasma Launcher: Launches multiple guided, high explosive plasma projectiles. Very deadly, but you have to get your hands on it first, and it always seems like somebody has it...
  • Metee: Unleash your inner brute and bash them with your weapon. It takes one melee to take down a shield. Also, once the shield is down, it only takes one melee to kill, even in SWAT game types.

I'd like to say one last thing--kudos to Bungie for introducing the beta version of Reach and allowing players to give feedback. The purpose of the beta release is, of course, to get consumer input on the game play so by the time the real game is released it has been perfected.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Book Analysis: "Rich Like Them"

Post by: Alphattude
I’ve recently finished Ryan D’Agostino’s book entitled “Rich Like Them,” based on door to door interviews of America’s richest neighborhoods in search of the secret to wealth accumulation. There is a common thesis; a mantra that all of these wildly successful people have in common. That mantra is being persistent and training yourself to always pay attention to new opportunities within your realm of expertise or interest. If you’re a realtor for instance, cheap waterfront properties should always be at the forefront of your brain at all hours of the day, even while on vacation. One should always place themself in an advantageous position to “connect the dots”. That perfect piece of real estate might be on a business trip in Arkansas, or in a little known area of Mexico. The three key words in business are: “you never know”. The people that spoke with the interviewer were those that believed in "you never know", part of the reason they agreed to speak to D’Agostino in the first place.

A curious mind is often a creative mind. Creativity in combination with risk taking often yields extraordinary results and rewards beyond imagination. If you are not always attuned to learning new things within the scope of your occupation, passion, or nature, then somebody else is gaining that edge on you. Not only are these people wealthy entrepreneurs, some are career businessmen and businesswomen that saw that edge and impeimented it into action. Some are just plain "lucky" (luck doesn't exist because people put place themselves in the position to be lucky), some are visionaries, and some are just renegades. 

These are regular people like you and me, with some slight variations. Studies show that key leaders are those of above average intelligence, but not by a margin too wide above the rest of the group. All of the wealthy interviewees “stuck to what they knew.” This advice should sound familiar. They worked in the industry, be it hospital administration, travel planning, real estate, etc. They saw the missing holes; the dots that had not been connected. They searched and worked incredibly long 15-20 hour days until prosperity. All of them were able to measure risk and reward, as well as implement hard work with a serious dose of persistence.

More importantly, coming up with a good idea is not even half the battle. So many people have good ideas everyday but the key is taking action and doing something about it. At some point, most of these successful interviewees find themselves at a crossroads. It’s easy to make risky decisions when you are young and without much responsibility. Take a chance and fail, so what? You go back and work for the man until you’re ready to try again or find a comfort zone.

(Deviating from the book) The most common millionaire in today’s America is usually a second generation American wearing an inexpensive suit, driving a modest car, and generally living below his or her means. Rolex, Rolls-Royce, Couture, these brands are not marketed to today’s trendy millionaire. They simply are not that target demographic. These are people that grew up having nothing and they... are hungry. They are hungrier than us Americans, with our sense of entitlement stemming from the booming economy of the 90’s. The guy now running the office I work at? He is a part time employee; an insanely driven and hardworking Indian guy in his mid 20's.

What do they have that we don’t have? They are today’s pioneers of innovation in computer technology, medical technology, doctors, engineers… what do they (first and second gen Americans) have? I refuse to believe it’s overall intelligence, although that could be proven with empirical data. Instead, I presume their main advantage is persistence. They want it more than we do, and if we don’t do something about it besides building invisible walls between our domestic world and the international world, we will lose.

Philanderers, Pornstars, and Tiger... Oh My!

Post by: Alphattude 
Three stories broke a while back regarding Tiger Woods and his recent harem kingdom of concubines. One being that Tiger impregnated pornstar Joslyn James twice, ending in a miscarriage and an abortion. Her blubbery 'alligator tears' press conference made me want burst out into laughter. A porn star crying about how Tiger Woods didn't love her back, only in America. In addition to this it was reported Tiger paid hush money over a sex tape filmed of him having sex with two women. The threesome tape seemed to be overshadowed by the other two stories, but read about it here. Now onto the third and final story. Tiger Woods made a 15-minute long public apology to his fans, his wife, and most importantly, his sponsors. What looked to be an Oscar award winning performance by Tiger Woods can easily be mistaken for sincerity if you don't read between the lines.

Yes, Tiger Woods apologized to appease the mobs and save his sponsorships; not out of overwhelming guilt for his actions. Whenever this topic of conversation comes up I hear conflicting views from men and what seem to be synchronized one sided opinions from many women. Men that cannot understand this unique situation that Tiger is in (no mortal man really can) side against Tiger. I hear, "Have you seen how hot his wife is?" Yes, yes I have. Also, "I'm all for sleeping with alot of women but not if you're married." <-- This is interesting (Michael Jordan, Bill Clinton, JFK, FDR, John McCain, Donald Trump, Morgan Freeman, James Cameron, etc) . Women openly say that they're "disgusted by Tiger, how can he do this?!" What they're not saying is that if given the chance they would also sleep with Tiger Woods, or at least wonder if he would choose them. Women want a man that is wanted by other women. So what truly is the answer here? Was Tiger wrong?

Allow me to read between the lines here and truly take a look at the big picture. Growing up, how could Tiger Woods dream of having the opportunity to sleep with copious amounts of gorgeous women, a chance at fame and fortune, and be his own brand? He was a half Korean, half Black nerd that played golf. GOLF. Do you think he was a world beater in the dating game? I can imagine him getting swirlies and having things thrown at him on the bus. Tiger went to Stanford, not exactly a plethora of attractive females to choose from. He was likely introverted and socially awkward. His market value as a desirable mate probably didn't exist until his early 20's when he started on Tour.

Tiger Woods came onto the PGA scene in the late 90's and breathed new life into the sport, gaining international notoriety and a beloved fanbase. Tiger Woods is an icon. He has charm, charisma, and he's the richest athlete in the world. *Read* RICHEST ATHLETE IN THE WORLD with 800 million dollars in earnings over his 13-year career. And some guys would settle for being captain of the high-school football team. He will become the first billion dollar athlete when he gets back to golfing. To put this plainly, he can have any woman he wants and any number of them whenever, wherever. He's Tiger Woods.

The only mistake Tiger made was getting married in the first place. He should have taken a cue from George Clooney and Al Pacino. His wife is a beautiful woman, and no doubt is her value close to Tiger's, but make no mistake it is not in equilibrium. She's not the female version of Tiger Woods. Her beauty may fade, but he is and always will be an international icon. Oh by the way, I hear he's huge in Japan!

Tiger shouldn't be held to the same standard as normal people because he is not a normal person. As a society we need to get over this notion of athletes being role models, those days are gone. They are entertainers and in that regard there is none better in the realm of golf than El Tigre. He's doing what any former beta turned alpha male would be doing while salivating at all of the new opportunities that he never could have fathomed. Is he sorry? He's sorry he got caught and sorry Accenture dropped him.

Tiger Woods has moved to the top of the ranks among The Dos Equis guy, Chuck Norris, Don Draper, and Hulk Hogan's leg drop.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Crazy Stories: Family Bonding

by: Kingpin

So a friend of a friend of mine, "Fred," went to visit his cousin in California over Spring Break. He ended up convincing his parents and uncle to let him out on the town late at night with his cousin, "Tim," but little did the parents know the cousin was exercising his rights under the Compassionate Use Act (basically, he was growing a Northern Lights strain of bud for....personal use). So "Fred" and "Tim" drive out on the town with a bag full of Northern Lights and cigarette paper. Apparently, the cigarette paper was crappy, because when they tried to roll a joint it wouldn't stay lit. "Tim" told "Fred" that he had a couple of friends nearby who had a bubbler they could use (for those of you who do not know, a bubbler is a smoking apparatus that is shaped like a pipe with a small chamber for water to filter pot smoke in order for a stronger, cleaner hit).  So, "Fred" and "Tim" walk into the two friends' house and the friends, who were already very drunk, bring out the bubbler. They all smoke, and rather quickly finish off almost an eighth of an ounce of the potent bud.  Suddenly, realizing how late it was, "Fred" and "Tim" decide to get up and head for the door. They stopped in the kitchen with the two friends, who ask them if they want something to snack on. Suddenly, the friend closest to the counter loses his footing and WHAM, hits his temple on the tile counter. His limp body hits the ground, and he stays down about a minute, until his friend helps him up. Meanwhile, "Tim" is freaking out because he says he can't see. "Fred" grabbed "Tim" to calm him down, and he notices that the guy who fell has a bloody mouth and a chipped tooth. Suddenly, the same guy falls again and WHAM, hits his temple on the counter again, and this time he doesn't get up. In fact, he doesn't even move. "Fred" knew he was too fried to drive, but he also knew he didn't want to be there if the guy who fell had to go to the hospital or, worse, died. "Fred" grabbed "Tim" and dragged him to the car, where they laid back rode out the rest of the high in peace. Once they were finally able to drive, "Fred" drove them to In-and-Out Burger. After that night they never found out what  happened to the guy who hit his temple twice on the counter. Can't make something like that up.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jokes: Random Thoughts

by: Kingpin

According to today's government the Constitution is like the Bible. It's contents are not to be taken literally, just lessons to live by. Besides, it was written so long ago, how does it apply now?

There's no such thing as the "real world" after graduating from college. The real world is a myth made up by my parents as an excuse to stop giving me money.

Is Toad from Super Mario a mushroom or is he just a midget wearing a weird hat?

I don't like people to know I'm a nice guy because when people know you are nice they start asking you for things.

Life would be more entertaining if everyone had a catch phrase.

I don't care if Michael Jackson molested kids. They're not MY kids. I'm not taking Thriller off my iPod.

I wish there was a way I could argue in court that it was perfectly reasonable to run an annoying driver off the road. If only I was a Kennedy.

There is way too much tension between men and women. I think large-scale make up sex is in order.

Stereotypes can be fun if you stereotype the right people.

I don't know why people made a big deal when Janet Jackson flashed her boob at the Super Bowl. They show big saggy boobs on the Discovery Channel. I guess the double standard is if the boobs are not saggy, keep them off TV. Thank you, FCC.


by: Kingpin

Recently, I've been gathering information on starting a business. Like many other recent graduates, I was unable to find a job because my degree was not in a specialized field. I decided that if I couldn't find a job, I'd create my own job and be my own boss. Every book I have read so far concerning entrepreneurship has been excellent and I learned a lot, and I would like to share them with you.

Trump University Wealth Building 101 is a great book for anyone who wants to be wealthy but has not yet decided on exactly how they are going to become wealthy. This book dabbles on many important categories concerning building and maintaining wealth, including real estate, stock trading, asset protection, and entrepreneurship. The information is useful and I highly recommend this book to all new graduates, as well as people who want an effective crash course on wealth building and asset protection.

Trump University Entrepreneurship 101 is one of the best books I've seen concerning business building. It is extremely user friendly, beginning with steps on how to distinguish an opportunity from just an idea. As the book progresses, you choose your opportunity and the author, experienced entrepreneur Michael Gordon, PhD., helps you with the planning stages for implementation, as well as form an executive summary of your business. He also discusses negotiation and launching your venture.

The Little Black Book of Online Business is an excellent resource. This book is not meant to be read in the same manner as the Trump University books. It is best used as a reference book. Paul Galloway provides useful information and links for every possible online business topic, including viral marketing, legal tools, outsourcing, promotional items and incentives, affiliate marketing, and much more! A must have.

I would not recommend e-preneur to anyone who needs things spelled out for them. Goossen does a good job of describing what the Web 2.0 phenomenon is, as well as interviews successful Web 2.0 entrepreneurs, but does not really set up the book in a step by step call to action like the Trump University books. e-preneur does have a lot of filler, but there are also many diamonds in the rough, which is why I still recommend the book.

I'd just like to conclude this by saying good luck to all of  you, my fellow entrepreneurs, and I hope that my recommendations help you succeed in your endeavors.

Top 10 Sex Addicts in Popular Culture

1. Glenn Quagmire from Family Guy: In a country where sex offenders are forced to have signs on their front yard, somehow Glenn Quagmire has emerged as America's most loveable pervert. Over the years we have seen him hide groups of Asian women in his garage, have sex with numerous women, including his best friend's wife, and own various gadgets designed to knock women out so he can have his way with them. He even roofied the "Bachelorette." As extreme and perverted as Quagmire is, you can't help but laugh, because it really is hilarious. That's why he makes number one on our list.  

2. The Todd from Scrubs: Todd, an over the top jock-like, sex-obsessed surgeon, started out the series as just a guy who would randomly pop up with sex jokes, double entendres, and high fives, but as time went by we started to see him as a more sex obsessed character in this hospital-centered comedy. Eventually, we find out that Todd is a bisexual, and hits on guys just as aggressively as girls.

3. Charlie Sheen: Supposedly having slept with over 5000 women*, Charlie Sheen could realistically be seen as a real life Quagmire. Even while having a hot wife like Denise Richards, he indulged in sleeping with many different women, though many may have been hookers.

4. Tiger Woods: The seemingly wholesome Tiger Woods' infidelities were all over the news, and it just seemed to get more and more extreme, and climaxed (pun intended) when it was revealed that  he even slept with a porn star.

5. James Bond from the 007 series: Does this man really need a description here? 007 has a habit of sleeping with unrealistically hot good and bad chicks. I wonder what would happen if he was no longer allowed to indulge?

6.  Hugh Hefner: Talk about a man who has had his share of top shelf booty. Playboy multimillionaire Hef has slept with consistent 10s, even as an old man. A dirty, dirty old man. 

7.  Wilt Chamberlain: We had to put Wilt here. The basketball star, according to his biography, has a more impressive record than 100 points in one game. According to Wilt, in his lifetime as a bachelor he had slept with 20,000+ women. Talk about literally a different woman every day, huh?

8.  Wooderson from Dazed and Confused :" You know what I like about high school girls? I keep getting older and they stay the same age, yes they do." I think that just about explains it.

9. Tucker Max: After his memoirs became a movie, I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, Tucker Max became a poster child for 18-24 year old "pick up artists." We all have known, and may even have been, that guy. But thanks to his crazy hook up stories, he has become the face of late night hook ups.

10. Marilyn Monroe: To be fair, we needed to include a female. When it comes to boning famous men, Marilyn Monroe could be considered the queen. She had notches on her bedpost like JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Joe DiMaggio, and who knows which other celebrities she slept with? She was even taped giving a guy a blow job (see link).

*See the full Top 10 list of "Living Sex Legends" (,0,5057260.story)

The Decree: 2010 NFL Draft Discussion: Can Denver Turn Tebow into a Pro-Style Quarterback, or is he Doomed to the Wildcat Formation?

2010 NFL Draft Results

by: Kingpin

With so much buzz about this All-American starting quarterback, including ESPN kissing his ass all the time, there is a lot of controversy over whether Tim Tebow can run a pro-style offense. He certainly didn't look too comfortable with it during the 2010 Senior Bowl, where he gave a very poor showing. Maybe he was distracted by thinking about what he was going to say to the media about abortion.

Still, to be fair to Tebow, he was recruited into a school with an offensive scheme much different from any offense in the NFL. Because Florida ran the option so often, Tebow has become more well known for his running ability than his passing ability. Let's look more closely at the strengths and weaknesses of this hyped-up quarterback and see if he really deserved to be the #2 quarterback drafted in the 2010 NFL Draft.

  • Tim Tebow has excellent leadership skills on the field and does a good job of imposing his coach's will on opposing defenses. If you watch most of Florida's games while Tebow was quarterback, you have to admit that Tebow's execution was very impressive for someone his age.
  • Tebow is clearly a strong-willed person, attributing to his leadership. On the same note, he is very hard to tackle when he scrambles. This is why whenever there were a few yards to go for a first down or touchdown, you could have counted on Tebow to run the ball and get those yards.
  • Excellent arm strength. If he can hone his accuracy skills, he can get the ball down field.
  • Accuracy on a greater number of throws. At first you may say, wait a second, he has a career completion percentage of 66.4%...that's pretty good. Yes it is, but when considering accuracy you must also consider other factors. If you watch him play, he does not throw a consistently tight pass, and most of his completions are to wide open receivers. In his career as a Gator, Tebow has thrown 995 passes (661 completions, averaging 14 yards per completion) in 1season as a back up and 3 seasons as a starter. Compare this to two other quarterbacks in the draft this year who are more experienced running a pro-style offense, Colt McCoy and Sam Bradford. Colt McCoy has a career completion percentage of 70.33% (1157 completions of 1645 attempts in 4 seasons as a starter, 11.5 yards per completion), and Bradford, the #1 draft pick, has a career completion percentage of 67.6% (604 completions of 893 attempts in slightly over 2 seasons as a starter, 13.1 yards per completion). Combine the numbers with the circumstances. Tebow had the benefit of a great offensive line and some of the best receivers in college football, and when you combine those with good play calling, you're often throwing to wide-open receivers. Tebow's accuracy has not truly been tested. In the NFL, Tebow will be expected to throw much more often than his average of 23 times per game (as a point of reference, Colt McCoy averaged 30 attempts per game). Will he be able to maintain his completion percentage while increasing the number of times he throws against tougher defenses? My guess is no, and I'll explain more in the next item.
  • Throwing motion. Yes, a big deal has been made about Tebow's long delivery. When Tebow throws, he brings the ball down to his thigh, then winds up, then, finally, releases. In college, his long delivery has led to fumbles caused by the pass rush. When facing NFL defenses, having a long delivery is a death sentence. It gives veteran secondaries a chance to close in on your target quicker, as well as ensures that the ball will still be in your hands when the pass rush gets there. Recently, we have seen Tebow trying to change his throwing motion, but I can only imagine how difficult it will be to change how you've thrown the football for the last however-many years of your life. If he can cut his delivery in half and still have the same amount of power behind the ball, then this will no longer be a problem.
  • He's left handed. Normally, this would not be a big deal if he was starting quarterback or if he was behind a left handed starter, but plays may have to be flipped in order to be as effective for a left handed quarterback as for a right handed quarterback. That has the potential to negatively affect the offense as a whole.
Bottom Line: IF Tim Tebow gets personal attention from an excellent quarterback coach and is able to will himself to change his throwing motion, he might become a successful pro quarterback. However, at this point, I would have to say that he is doomed to the wildcat formation, like Michael Vick, until he makes those changes.

Kingpin Gives Tebow a:

What do you think? Post your opinion below.

Top 10 YouTube Videos

1. Leprechaun in Mobile, AL

2. Keyra Augustina striptease

3. My New Haircut (and definitely watch the sequel, Return of the Broski)

4. College Humor (couldn't pick just one, my favorite videos are Superhero Fashion Emergency, CSI: Scooby Doo, March of Shame, Professor Wikipedia, and Donatello Gets Screwed)

5. Terry Tate: Office Linebacker 

6. Wash Your Balls Axe Commercial

7. Hot Girl Owns Chatroulette with Admiral Ackbar

8. Sucker Punch

9. Girl KO's guy in one punch

10. Never honk at old people

Top 5 Runner Ups

1. Quickest Knockout

2. UFC Best Knockouts 

3. Top 10 Boxing Knockouts

4. Don't Ever Scare Black People

5. Legarette Blount (Oregon) Punching Byron Hout (Boise State) - College Football